Art Scanning

Art Scan (up to 18" x 24")

We have the capability to scan artwork on two scanners. Our small format (up to 18" x 25") art scans are done on a high resolution flatbed scanner. Our large format art scanner is roll fed, and can accommodate widths up to 48".

Planroom Services

Planroom Project Setup

Planroom Projects include setup, email blasts, unlimited free downloads, and closeout documents. Closeout documents include a copy of all the documents on the planroom and plan holders list. The project will be closed/taken offline 30 days after the bid date.

Large Format Plan Scanning

Large Format Plan Color Scanning

Our large format plan scanner accommodates originals that are form 12" x 18" up 48" x 120". 

Small Format Scanning

Small Format Black & White Scan

Small format black and white includes scan sizes up to 11" x 17"